Tuesday, December 27

This is my first entry for my blog. Today I would like to write about something that I think will surprise some of you. Even I am shocked after I read about this. Do you know that there are several causes of gaining weight that we did not realize it happen to us?
            Do you know that there are two issues that relate sleeps and weight gain? Firstly, when you’re up late, the odds are greater that you’re doing some late-night snacking and this will increase your calorie intake. While when you’re sleeps deprived, it will cause changes in hormone level and automatically increase hunger and appetite.
            Beside that, stress also one of the causes we gain weight. When we are in stress condition, “stress hormone” is secreted. We may reach for high calorie comfort foods at this condition.
            Then, there are several drugs that may cause weight gain. One of them are antipsychotic drug which is use to treat mood disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Other medications that lead to weight gain are medication to treat migraines, seizures, high blood pressure and diabetes.
            Furthermore, those who are in process to quit smoking also involved in weight gaining. They tend to feel hungriness and eat more. Besides, they find that food tastes better which may lead to overeating.
            My advice is, if you do gain weight don’t compare yourself to other people taking the same drug. Not all people experience the same side effects on the same drug. Even if one drug caused someone else to lose weight, the same might not be true for you. Consult your doctor and check if there is other medication that might not have the same side effects.

*you can visit http://www.medicinenet.com for more information about health.