Tuesday, February 21


      Alhamdulillah, today my group and I were done with the simple interview with the company that we have chosen. Although the information given was not really in detail but I’m sure that we could come out with the proposal as for the requirement for assessment 4.
      We move from our campus at 3.50 p.m. by public transport and we manage to get there before 4.30 p.m. In addition, we manage to get so much information about how the company works internally and externally. I hope that I will be working with this kind of company to experienced more challenges in the future.

Sunday, February 19


Dear readers,
  Do you know what is toothache?Toothache is usually refers to pain around the teeth or jaws primarily as a result of a dental condition. For example, a dental cavity, a cracked tooth, gum disease, etc.
  Sometimes, this situation may be caused by not a tooth problem.   The pain around the teeth can be symptoms of heart disease, ear and sinuses. I'm shocked when I know this for the first time.
  Hence, we should go and meet the doctor as soon as possible when we having a toothache.

Saturday, February 18

dear readers,
    yesterday i spent a little bit of my time at the Harris bookstore. I've tried to spent my 1Malaysia voucher  which i just could spent RM50. do you know it is difficult for me to spent that RM50 voucher? now i wonder how i could spend the other RM150  voucher?
     with the RM50, i bought a novel, English novel actually and some of stationery that i don't need at all:) i think, for the rest of the voucher, i should plan on what i should buy, which i mean the things that important and useful for me.

Friday, February 17


dear readers,
my stress level are decreasing today since i manage to finish all the assignments that i have to submit by the end of this week. but, it will increase back next week because there are a lot of presentation that i have to prepare and after all the presentation are done i need to be ready for the final exam. wish me luck guys!!

Thursday, February 16

     Today is Thursday and I have nothing to say. I have two assignments more to send. Besides, this Saturday I have to attend a workshop and every student who taking ENT/ETR 300 are compulsory. This course required the students to make a business proposal and will be presented in front of panels. Actually I do not interested to be an entrepreneur but I will do my best to do the business proposal and the presentation. I hope my group members will do the same too.

Wednesday, February 15

   A few days ago, I just know that the person who make story about me 1 year ago is someone who I think is really annoying. All this time, I think that the person who started gossiping about me was someone else. She also tried to ruin my friendship with my best friend by making up a bad story about my friend. I did not know the reasons why she is doing this to me and my friends. Whatever the reasons is, I will forgive her anyway and I apologize if i do anything wrong to you so you have to do those bad things to me.

Tuesday, February 14

Why Class Should Start at 9 a.m.?

     Nowadays, most of students are falling asleep in class every day. In fact, they often skip the first class early in the morning. This is because class starts to early for teenagers. If classes started at 9 instead of 7 for schools and 8 for university in Malaysia, grades would improve, students would be less stress and it would be the right thing to do to help more students to learn.
     Teenagers deal with many problems in their life such as relationship, friends, their image and grades. It’s hard to handle all of these on very little sleep.  Students end up staying up late at night trying to get all their assignment done. If classes started later they would be getting the sleep they need and they would be happier and healthy.
     Moreover, students also always skip their breakfast which is the important meal to keep us healthier. This is because they did not have time to take their breakfast since their class started early in the morning. This is also one of the reasons why class should start at 9 a.m. this is also why students in Malaysia are not smarter than the students in Europe.
     In conclusion, I strongly believe that classes should start at 9 a.m. I’m sure when this idea implement by the government, they will be an increase of student grade and all schools and universities in Malaysia will known as world class.