Tuesday, February 21


      Alhamdulillah, today my group and I were done with the simple interview with the company that we have chosen. Although the information given was not really in detail but I’m sure that we could come out with the proposal as for the requirement for assessment 4.
      We move from our campus at 3.50 p.m. by public transport and we manage to get there before 4.30 p.m. In addition, we manage to get so much information about how the company works internally and externally. I hope that I will be working with this kind of company to experienced more challenges in the future.

Sunday, February 19


Dear readers,
  Do you know what is toothache?Toothache is usually refers to pain around the teeth or jaws primarily as a result of a dental condition. For example, a dental cavity, a cracked tooth, gum disease, etc.
  Sometimes, this situation may be caused by not a tooth problem.   The pain around the teeth can be symptoms of heart disease, ear and sinuses. I'm shocked when I know this for the first time.
  Hence, we should go and meet the doctor as soon as possible when we having a toothache.

Saturday, February 18

dear readers,
    yesterday i spent a little bit of my time at the Harris bookstore. I've tried to spent my 1Malaysia voucher  which i just could spent RM50. do you know it is difficult for me to spent that RM50 voucher? now i wonder how i could spend the other RM150  voucher?
     with the RM50, i bought a novel, English novel actually and some of stationery that i don't need at all:) i think, for the rest of the voucher, i should plan on what i should buy, which i mean the things that important and useful for me.

Friday, February 17


dear readers,
my stress level are decreasing today since i manage to finish all the assignments that i have to submit by the end of this week. but, it will increase back next week because there are a lot of presentation that i have to prepare and after all the presentation are done i need to be ready for the final exam. wish me luck guys!!

Thursday, February 16

     Today is Thursday and I have nothing to say. I have two assignments more to send. Besides, this Saturday I have to attend a workshop and every student who taking ENT/ETR 300 are compulsory. This course required the students to make a business proposal and will be presented in front of panels. Actually I do not interested to be an entrepreneur but I will do my best to do the business proposal and the presentation. I hope my group members will do the same too.

Wednesday, February 15

   A few days ago, I just know that the person who make story about me 1 year ago is someone who I think is really annoying. All this time, I think that the person who started gossiping about me was someone else. She also tried to ruin my friendship with my best friend by making up a bad story about my friend. I did not know the reasons why she is doing this to me and my friends. Whatever the reasons is, I will forgive her anyway and I apologize if i do anything wrong to you so you have to do those bad things to me.

Tuesday, February 14

Why Class Should Start at 9 a.m.?

     Nowadays, most of students are falling asleep in class every day. In fact, they often skip the first class early in the morning. This is because class starts to early for teenagers. If classes started at 9 instead of 7 for schools and 8 for university in Malaysia, grades would improve, students would be less stress and it would be the right thing to do to help more students to learn.
     Teenagers deal with many problems in their life such as relationship, friends, their image and grades. It’s hard to handle all of these on very little sleep.  Students end up staying up late at night trying to get all their assignment done. If classes started later they would be getting the sleep they need and they would be happier and healthy.
     Moreover, students also always skip their breakfast which is the important meal to keep us healthier. This is because they did not have time to take their breakfast since their class started early in the morning. This is also one of the reasons why class should start at 9 a.m. this is also why students in Malaysia are not smarter than the students in Europe.
     In conclusion, I strongly believe that classes should start at 9 a.m. I’m sure when this idea implement by the government, they will be an increase of student grade and all schools and universities in Malaysia will known as world class.

Monday, February 13

Breakfast quote.

I found a quote which is:

Breakfast like a king,
Lunch like a prince,
Dinner like a pauper.
     This is a popular saying by Adelle Davis an American Nutritionist and writer, 1904-1974. There is a much truth in this quote.  Our bodies can tolerate more calories earlier in the day which is when we need them the most and the best way to eat for a better body will be to end our day with the lightest meal. But we must ensure that all our meals are balance based on the food pyramid.
     This quote also proves that breakfast is really important but most people leading today’s busy lives skip breakfast altogether. Starting the day without refuelling our body’s engine means poor concentration, irritability, low blood sugar and dreadful craving for the biscuit tin or chocolate in the middle of the morning.
     In short, we should not skip our breakfast as that attitude will bring us to bad healthy lifestyle. Hence, grab your breakfast everyday fellows.

Sunday, February 12

next week??

     My aunt wedding ceremony is over. Alhamdulillah everything goes well. Now, I want to focus on my assignments. Next week I have three assignments I have to submit which are PAD252 log report, PAD252 group assignment and PAD310 report. Besides, I have to go through LAW309 test. I hope everything will go smoothly Insha’Allah. 

Friday, February 10


     Nothing special that happens to me today. In fact, I don’t know what I want to share with you dear readers. I can answer most of the questions for statistic test just now but I can’t answer for some questions. I hope my marks will not as bad as my marks for quiz 1. This weekend, my aunt will get marry. I hope this ceremony will be her beat memory ever. My schedule is full for next week. I have to send three assignments which consist of one group assignment and two individual assignments. I hope I can complete those tasks by the time.  

Thursday, February 9


     I think every campus has its own free internet connection that provided for their students. But I wonder why our university had stopped this facility for us. Both of wireless connection at academic buildings and at the hostel had been stopped except in the library. But it is limited in the ICT corner only. I really need this facility so it will be easy for me to do my works. For example, I need wireless connection to complete my blog for the requirement of BELAM class. Besides, I have to search for the information in the internet to complete most of my assignments. Since there is no wireless connection in my campus, I have to go to the library. Most of the time, the library is full with students who are not really using the internet for studying purpose, but they are using it to log in facebook. Now, I have to subscribe a broadband which is burdening me to pay for its monthly payment since I am not borrowing from PTPTN and I do not get any scholarship. That’s why wireless connection is important to me.

Wednesday, February 8


     Today I am interested to talk about smoking. This is due to my last writing which I’m not encourage anyone to smoke to release their tension. This is because smoking may help us to release our pressure but it has long term effects.
     At present, smoking has become a trademark for teenagers especially male.  People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Teenagers usually start smoking by the influence of their friends. They think that smoking looks cool. But sometimes they start it because their family members smoke. Do you know what the effect of smoking are? I am sure that many people know the effect of smoking. Nowadays, there are many commercials on the mass media such as television, radio, newspapers, etc that advice people to avoid smoking. In fact, there is a picture on the cigarette box itself that show what is the effect of smoking. But I wonder why the statistics of people who start smoking are increasing day to day.
     Now, I would like to remind you the effects of smoking. The major disease that caused by smoking are cardiovascular disease, cancer such as lung cancer, bladder cancer, cancer of the esophagus, cervical cancer and so on.  Other risks caused by smoking are high blood pressure, asthma, macular degeneration, bad breath, ulcers and reduces the levels of vitamin A in our body. Below are some pictures of the effects of smoking to our body:

    In conclusion, smoking is not good for our health. It may not only endanger the smokers himself but also people who breath the cigarette smoke. Hence, I advice you and myself to avoid and prevent smoking.

Tuesday, February 7

How to prevent stress?

     I felt stress this last few days due to the assignment and presentation that I've to go through. Then, I found an article that related to stress.  Do you know that stress is harmful to us?  The type of stress that harmful to us is ongoing stress. Ongoing stress is thought to be bad for our health. Stress is possibly a risk factor for developing heart problems in later life. Besides, it may contribute to other physical illness such as migraine, tension, headaches, etc. Sometimes, it may affect our work performance as well as our relationship.  
     How can we avoid stress?? According to the article, firstly, we may try to make a stress list.try keeping a diary over a few weeks and list the times, places and people that aggravate our stress level. One we have identified any causes of stress; we may discuss this with our close friend or family member. This method may them and us to be aware of the reasons why we are feeling stress.
     Moreover, we can try simple relaxation techniques. For example, deep breathing and muscular tensing and stretching. In addition, we can do regular exercise to reduce our level of stress beside to keeps us fit and prevent heart disease.  For those who like to smoke and drink alcohol to decrease their stress level please stop it! It may help you now, but in the long run, they don’t.
     All in all, there are many ways to prevent stress. It is our choice to do the positive method or the bad one. 

Sunday, February 5

I Miss U

      It’s been 2 years since I left for school.  The five years experience in secondary school has become a wonderful memory in my life. I learn many things during that time. I am not only learning the school subject but also learning about life since my school is a boarding school. Live in a boarding school really teach me how to be independent and how to manage my time.  
     There are several people who had coloured my life throughout the years. They always gave me joy and happiness. Our life is full with laughter. Besides, they cared about me and they will help me when I’m in need. In fact,  I can count on them as well as they can count on me. Who are they?They are my best friends.


     At present, two of them are medical student at University of Zagazig which are Shazwa and Syan. Zatul is a student in UiTM Sarawak. Lele’ is studying at UIA. Rabe’ is a students at Masterskills College and lastly Adeq is waiting for her STPM result. For sure, our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between us remains ever strong. I miss u my best friends. Hopefully Allah will give us the chance to meet again.

Saturday, February 4

Junior Master Chef Australia

    Now, I’m watching Junior Master Chef Australia. I like watching it because the programme shows how persistent the kids in achieving their goals which is to win the competition. Watching those kids doing their best in the competition really teach me that we should do the same in achieving our goals. They never give up even though they were eliminated from the programme before they could win it. They always set in their minds the reasons why they join the competition is not only about winning but also to gain more knowledge and to polish their cooking skills. They also cook like a professional. Hence, we can’t make an excuse why we can’t learn to cook especially ladies while those kids can. Below are some pictures of them that I get from Google:

                           THE JUDGES
                            THE WINNER
                         FINAL CONTESTANT

Friday, February 3

Hashima Island

     Today I would like to share about Hashima Island. This Island commonly called Gunkanjima or Gunkanshima which means Battleship Island. It is one among 505 uninhabited island in the Nagasaki Prefecture about 15 kilometers from Nagasaki itself.
     The island was populated from 1887 to 1974 as a coal mining facility. The island's main features are the abandoned concrete buildings and the sea wall surrounding it. The island has been administered as part of Nagasaki city since 2005.Previously, it had been administered by the former town of Takashima.
     It is known for its coal mines and their operation during the industrialization of Japan. In 1890, Mitsubishi bought the island and began the project, the aim of which was retrieving coal from undersea mines. They built Japan's first large concrete building (9 stories high), a block of apartments in 1916 to accommodate their burgeoning ranks of workers (many of whom were forcibly recruited laborers from other parts of Asia) and to protect against typhoon destruction. According to a South Korean commission, the island housed 500 Koreans who were forced to work between 1939 and 1945, during World War II.
     In 1959, the 15-acre island's population reached its peak of 5,259, with a population density of 835 people per hectare for the whole island, or 1,391 per hectare for the residential district.
     As petroleum replaced coal in Japan in the 1960s, coal mines began shutting down all over the country, and Hashima's mines were no exception. Mitsubishi officially announced the closing of the mine in 1974, and today it is empty and bare, which is why it is called Ghost Island. Travel to Hashima was re-opened on April 22, 2009 after 35 years of closure. The following are some picture of Hashima Island:


Saturday, January 14

Uterine Fibroid

Uterine Fibroid is benign tumours that develop in the uterus. This disease are common, 1 in 5 women may have fibroid during the time after starting menstruation for the 1st time and before menopause. But fibroid are rare in women under age 20. The cause is still unknown. But their growth has been linked to estrogens hormone. As long as the women with fibroid are menstruating, fibroid will probably continue to growth, usually slow.

Most common symptoms, 
1.             Bleeding between periods
2.             Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia), sometimes with the passage of blood  clots
3.             Menstrual periods that may last longer than normal
4.             Need to urinate more often
5.             Pelvic cramping or pain with periods
6.             Sensation of fullness or pressure in lower abdomen
7.             Pain during intercourse
There are often no symptoms; your health care provider may found them during a physical exam or other test. 
Treatments are depending to several things, including:
1.             Your age
2.             General health
3.             Severity of symptoms
4.             Type of fibroids
5.            Short-term hormonal therapy injections to help shrink the fibroids
The surgery and procedure used to treat fibroid
·                     Hysteroscopic resection of fibroids: Women who have fibroids growing inside the uterine cavity may need this outpatient procedure to remove the fibroid tumours.
·                     Uterine artery embolization: This procedure stops the blood supply to the fibroid, causing it to die and shrink. Women who may want to become pregnant in the future should discuss this procedure with their health care provider.
·                     Myomectomy: This surgery removes the fibroids. It is often the chosen treatment for women who want to have children, because it usually can preserve fertility. More fibroids can develop after a myomectomy.
·                     Hysterectomy: This invasive surgery may be an option if medicines do not work and other surgeries and procedures are not an option.

So, women please beware from this disease. Make check up with your doctor for safety.

Friday, January 13

Criticise other religion.

      Nowadays, there are too many articles that criticise other religion. For example, there are some people made articles that linking Islam with terrorism and many more. My question is do we need to criticise other religion??
      In my opinion, before we want to criticize other religions, we should have much knowledge about the religion itself. We shall make reference to that religion only through reading but also to ask the experts associated with the religion. Besides, we must ensure that the argument to be authentic and not far-fetched. But now people who were written those articles were often do their writing without digging into deep to that information that related to the religion that they wished to criticise. This will hurting other's feeling if those critism is not right at all. Hence, people who wished to do that should respect those who profess those religions that they want to criticise.