Wednesday, February 8


     Today I am interested to talk about smoking. This is due to my last writing which I’m not encourage anyone to smoke to release their tension. This is because smoking may help us to release our pressure but it has long term effects.
     At present, smoking has become a trademark for teenagers especially male.  People start smoking for a variety of different reasons. Teenagers usually start smoking by the influence of their friends. They think that smoking looks cool. But sometimes they start it because their family members smoke. Do you know what the effect of smoking are? I am sure that many people know the effect of smoking. Nowadays, there are many commercials on the mass media such as television, radio, newspapers, etc that advice people to avoid smoking. In fact, there is a picture on the cigarette box itself that show what is the effect of smoking. But I wonder why the statistics of people who start smoking are increasing day to day.
     Now, I would like to remind you the effects of smoking. The major disease that caused by smoking are cardiovascular disease, cancer such as lung cancer, bladder cancer, cancer of the esophagus, cervical cancer and so on.  Other risks caused by smoking are high blood pressure, asthma, macular degeneration, bad breath, ulcers and reduces the levels of vitamin A in our body. Below are some pictures of the effects of smoking to our body:

    In conclusion, smoking is not good for our health. It may not only endanger the smokers himself but also people who breath the cigarette smoke. Hence, I advice you and myself to avoid and prevent smoking.