Tuesday, February 7

How to prevent stress?

     I felt stress this last few days due to the assignment and presentation that I've to go through. Then, I found an article that related to stress.  Do you know that stress is harmful to us?  The type of stress that harmful to us is ongoing stress. Ongoing stress is thought to be bad for our health. Stress is possibly a risk factor for developing heart problems in later life. Besides, it may contribute to other physical illness such as migraine, tension, headaches, etc. Sometimes, it may affect our work performance as well as our relationship.  
     How can we avoid stress?? According to the article, firstly, we may try to make a stress list.try keeping a diary over a few weeks and list the times, places and people that aggravate our stress level. One we have identified any causes of stress; we may discuss this with our close friend or family member. This method may them and us to be aware of the reasons why we are feeling stress.
     Moreover, we can try simple relaxation techniques. For example, deep breathing and muscular tensing and stretching. In addition, we can do regular exercise to reduce our level of stress beside to keeps us fit and prevent heart disease.  For those who like to smoke and drink alcohol to decrease their stress level please stop it! It may help you now, but in the long run, they don’t.
     All in all, there are many ways to prevent stress. It is our choice to do the positive method or the bad one.