Tuesday, February 14

Why Class Should Start at 9 a.m.?

     Nowadays, most of students are falling asleep in class every day. In fact, they often skip the first class early in the morning. This is because class starts to early for teenagers. If classes started at 9 instead of 7 for schools and 8 for university in Malaysia, grades would improve, students would be less stress and it would be the right thing to do to help more students to learn.
     Teenagers deal with many problems in their life such as relationship, friends, their image and grades. It’s hard to handle all of these on very little sleep.  Students end up staying up late at night trying to get all their assignment done. If classes started later they would be getting the sleep they need and they would be happier and healthy.
     Moreover, students also always skip their breakfast which is the important meal to keep us healthier. This is because they did not have time to take their breakfast since their class started early in the morning. This is also one of the reasons why class should start at 9 a.m. this is also why students in Malaysia are not smarter than the students in Europe.
     In conclusion, I strongly believe that classes should start at 9 a.m. I’m sure when this idea implement by the government, they will be an increase of student grade and all schools and universities in Malaysia will known as world class.