Monday, February 13

Breakfast quote.

I found a quote which is:

Breakfast like a king,
Lunch like a prince,
Dinner like a pauper.
     This is a popular saying by Adelle Davis an American Nutritionist and writer, 1904-1974. There is a much truth in this quote.  Our bodies can tolerate more calories earlier in the day which is when we need them the most and the best way to eat for a better body will be to end our day with the lightest meal. But we must ensure that all our meals are balance based on the food pyramid.
     This quote also proves that breakfast is really important but most people leading today’s busy lives skip breakfast altogether. Starting the day without refuelling our body’s engine means poor concentration, irritability, low blood sugar and dreadful craving for the biscuit tin or chocolate in the middle of the morning.
     In short, we should not skip our breakfast as that attitude will bring us to bad healthy lifestyle. Hence, grab your breakfast everyday fellows.