Sunday, February 5

I Miss U

      It’s been 2 years since I left for school.  The five years experience in secondary school has become a wonderful memory in my life. I learn many things during that time. I am not only learning the school subject but also learning about life since my school is a boarding school. Live in a boarding school really teach me how to be independent and how to manage my time.  
     There are several people who had coloured my life throughout the years. They always gave me joy and happiness. Our life is full with laughter. Besides, they cared about me and they will help me when I’m in need. In fact,  I can count on them as well as they can count on me. Who are they?They are my best friends.


     At present, two of them are medical student at University of Zagazig which are Shazwa and Syan. Zatul is a student in UiTM Sarawak. Lele’ is studying at UIA. Rabe’ is a students at Masterskills College and lastly Adeq is waiting for her STPM result. For sure, our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between us remains ever strong. I miss u my best friends. Hopefully Allah will give us the chance to meet again.