Thursday, February 9


     I think every campus has its own free internet connection that provided for their students. But I wonder why our university had stopped this facility for us. Both of wireless connection at academic buildings and at the hostel had been stopped except in the library. But it is limited in the ICT corner only. I really need this facility so it will be easy for me to do my works. For example, I need wireless connection to complete my blog for the requirement of BELAM class. Besides, I have to search for the information in the internet to complete most of my assignments. Since there is no wireless connection in my campus, I have to go to the library. Most of the time, the library is full with students who are not really using the internet for studying purpose, but they are using it to log in facebook. Now, I have to subscribe a broadband which is burdening me to pay for its monthly payment since I am not borrowing from PTPTN and I do not get any scholarship. That’s why wireless connection is important to me.